Day Six
It?s over. Today was crazy. The last day is usually an easy, stress free day, but that is not what happened on Day Six of the ISDE in Spain. I rode the 45-minute trial ride up to the motocross track and lined up for my 125 moto. The track was so dry, not a drop of water anywhere and then they steamrolled it into what felt like concrete. It turned into a dust fest complete with huge, stupid jumps that launched you up into a dust cloud. It was like a flatrack race with ramps. I finished my moto and watched the next 125 moto and went back into the impound area to prep my bike. While I was gone the place went crazy.

Starting line brawls!
After they ran the 250 motos, the 400 guys decided the track was too dangerous and dusty, so they lined up at the starting gate with their bikes sideways and protested. They refused to ride. The judges asked a few riders if they agreed it was too dusty and they decided to stop running motos. Meanwhile, the 500 riders wanted to race anyway so they line up behind the 400 guys and started their bikes. Tempers flared between the Spaniards and Italians and pretty soon the thing escalated into a brawl. Punches were flying, bikes were strewn all over the starting line. It was mayhem. In the middle of all this, they announced that the scores for the motocross would be thrown out completely. Picture this, a huge fight is going on, the committee is on the speaker system telling people to calm down and that the moto won?t count, and American rider, Steve Silvestri decides he wants to ride anyway. He sneaks onto the track and starts riding around the track and people are cheering and yelling. A Chilean rider follows him and they start racing. Well, the Chilean rider lost it on a jump and was so hurt that they called in an ambulance to carry him away. Meanwhile, Silvestri is still riding laps, now he is going around the ambulance on the track. It was crazy. Eventually, everyone calmed down and made their way to the impound area. Amazing.

Trophy Team Conspiracy
Because the motocross didn?t count, the Australians felt they were cheated out of third Place overall. They were running only 45-seconds behind the Spaniards and after the first 250 4-stroke moto, the Australians made up the time and would have been in third. So, they felt that the whole thing was a conspiracy to keep the Spanish Team in third place. I?m not sure, but it is too bad for the Australians.

Trophy Team Standings So, the Italians won the overall, with Sweden in second, Spain in third and Australia in fourth.

My Finish
I came over to Spain, hoping to bring home a Silver medal and I did. I feel good that I made it through and that I accomplished my goal. It was an amazing week with some amazing riders from around the world. As always, the Six Day event becomes more than just a race, it is a physical test combined with national pride and team strategy. When I packed up the bike today for the final time, I felt lucky to have been in Spain and to have competed with so many talented riders. This is my final report from Granada. I hope you have enjoyed the updates. I will be back on American soil soon.

Ron Lawson


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