As you probably know, due to a re-interpretation of California’s codes by the California Air Resources Board, converting a green-sticker off-highway motorcycle for street use became virtually impossible last year. Thanks to all of you, the letter writing campaign to governor Davis last year was successful in delaying the implementation of the new rule until February 2004. Well, we are trying one more time to reverse this change in DMV policy. Governor Schwarzenegger (a KTM owner himself) is highly critical of CARB and might be a bit more in touch with reality than the previous administration. We have the support of DMV, the Highway Patrol, and a governor interested in generating revenue and saving money. Please go to the Baja Designs home page and download one of the letters – or even better, write your own – and send it off to the governor. For the most impact we are trying to have these letters hit all at the same time, so please do this right away. Tell your friends!! Happy trails, Alan Roach & Deanne Moore Baja Designs |
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